Welcome Innsbruck - SOMMER || SUMMER 2014 - page 20

LoisWelzenbacher Platz1
combinedwithone another. Thehigh standardof architecturewas to
be emphasized evenmore through works of art: Daniel Buren (glass
roofing), Peter Kogler (glass tower cladding), Heinz Gappmayr (lin-
guistic interventions), as well as Matt Mullican, Eva Schlegel, Walter
Obholzer &Ernst Trawöger (screens).
Probably Innsbruck‘s most well-known work of modern architecture
is undoubtedly represented by the Bergisel Ski Jump (1999–2002),
designedbyZahaHadid (*1950Bagdad).WithBergisel, Hadidhassuc-
ceeded in combining the ski jump and starting ramp, with the func-
tionof aaféand viewingplatform, inanelegant, curved shape. The ski
jump isnowahybridbetween sports facilityand visitor venue. Thanks
to its spectacular locationand various international awards, it hasbe-
come Innsbruck’smodern landmarknumber one.
The Sparkassenplatz (2004–2005) by Johannes Wiesflecker has be-
come an inner citymeeting place. Rainer Schmidt has created a “ver-
tical garden” with stone gabions. Peter Sandbichler designed a visual
light installation. Within the extension to the Sparkassenplatz lies the
BTV city forum, whichwas built in2005byHeinz Tesar (*1939). It is a
successful symbiosisof traditionandmodernismwithplentyof trans-
parency. The 20meter highhall has become ”the” representative and
communicational centre.
Technical InnovationandFuture-OrientatedDesign
At the beginning of December 2007 a new lift opened to the Hun-
gerburg, with its station from Zaha Hadid creating further impor-
tant impulses. Here Hadad has attained something new. The moun-
Hadid, Hungerburg-Bergstation //
Hadid, HungerburgCable car station
tain and glacier world, as well as an analog architectural design, are
all conformed harmoniously into the landscape and set new trends.
The glacier tongue-inspired roof formations of the cable car station
madeout of thermal glasswith their light greenopaque coating claim
something futuristic. The innovative technology of the cable car, with
its partial underground routing, plus the considerable incline in the
so-calledWeiherburg tunnel is equallyas spectacular as itsdesign.
The Kaufhaus Tyrol project, whose pre-planning stages gave way to
fierce controversy on the part of the general public, was completed in
2010after several delays. It has showna respectful handlingof thehis-
torical building structure, in connection to the adjacent buildings and
theprotectionof theoverall appearanceofMaria-Theresien-Strasse. On
the inside is a shopping centrewith over 50 shops surrounding a cen-
tralAtrium. The facadewasdesignedbyDavidChipperfieldasaconcrete
grid folded into three sections that are cranked at a slight angle. In the
last three years Innsbruck has become an exciting locationof contem-
porary architecture blended with the historic townscape. Innsbruck’s
contemporary and innovative new architecture has been awared with
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